Personalize Your Event {Vinyl Wall Decals}

I just love vinyl decals!  There are such a simple way to personalize an event or your home. And there is no painting involved! Change your mind? The Event over?.. simple to take off! What’s not to like, right?  The ideas are endless…
Monogram the glassware at your next party, put your initials on the wall at your wedding reception, give a sweet sentiment as a wedding gift, and customize a welcome sign to your next event! 
I love the idea of monogramming the dance floor at your wedding. What a unique touch!

And just one more idea I love (not party related)… creating a one of a kind piece of furniture.
(Decals from Uppercase Living.)
This party from is the perfect example of using vinyl decals to personalize your event!
Just look at this adorable dessert table accented with the birthday girls monogram on the wall above.
Here are a  few ways that I have used these fabulous wall decals to personalize my home and parties:
I made my front door warm and inviting to our guests with a simple “Welcome”.
I love the way it turned out with the color of the word matching the trim around the door, but giving just enough contrast to the door to really pop. I created this decal using Uppercase Living’s custom design tool.
When we bought our home I had no idea what to do with this weird inset in the wall of the front entry way. I left it empty for about two years until I found this “Our Family” decal. This decal gave me the idea for this awesome photo collage framing the words. A perfect fit for the inset! I’ve received lots of compliments on this unique display. I purchased this from Uppercase Living but recently discovered the same decal available on Etsy from Remarkable Walls.

When my son moved into his “Big Boy” bedroom I wanted to make the transition a positive for him and make his new room feel really special. I started with putting his name on his door. Not only did it make him feel special, but it helped him when he was learning to spell his name!  
I found this star decal to go over his bed and coordinate with the Pottery Barn Kid’s bedding we chose. I added the letter “J” for Jackson’s bed!
Just a little reminder to “Think Big” in his new room.. plus I just thought this was so cute and perfect to fit under his display shelf, again tying in the stars and color from his bedding.  Thedecals for his room are also from Uppercase Living.

When Annabelle was born, it was only fitting that she also get her name on her door to match her bedroom as well!  I traded for this custom order on Etsy.
When planning her nursery, I knew I wanted a monogram over her crib. Something sweet and feminine, that would go well with the whole room. I fell in love with a monogram on an expensive wall letters website but knew I couldn’t afford it.. then I stumbled upon this beautiful monogram on Etsy which was almost exactly the same as the expensive one I had fallen in love with!  Available at Melanie Stewart, If Walls Could Talk.
And just for fun… I just couldn’t resist this silly crab and seaweed combo from Uppercase Living for the kid’s under the sea themed bathroom.
I hope these ideas inspire you to find ways personalize your own home or event with some fun decals of your own!
~Happy Planning

Papers, parties and playful things!


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3 thoughts on “Personalize Your Event {Vinyl Wall Decals}”

  1. I’m a HUGE vinyl decals addict! I’m also your latest follower here belated from Follow Me Back Tuesday..thanks for linking up with us this week!

  2. Pingback: 10 Popular Dresser Decals – Decal Loft

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