{REAL PARTIES} "Look WHOO" is having a baby!

When my friend announced she was pregnant with baby number two I immediately started baby shower planning in my head! When she informed me they wouldn’t be finding out if baby was a boy or girl, I thought this was the perfect chance to do a cute owl themed gender neutral party! Owls are everywhere lately and I couldn’t wait to try my hand at illustrating some of the cute little buggers.
(Lanterns purchased at Luna Bazaar and embellished with cute cardstock)
 Of course I couldn’t resist adding some of my other recent obsession into the mix: CHEVRON.
I just can’t seem to resist the playful zigzags in bright colors!
My co-host (mommy-to-be’s sister) thought a cute banner
reading “Hoot Hoot Hooray” was perfectly fitting
We chose a color scheme of bright blues, greens, oranges, and pinks..and
of course chocolate brown 
We found instructions for these cute big eyed cupcakes on pinterest
We had purchased a owl cake pop kit but decided it was way too much work when attempting to throw together an entire baby shower…so instead I created these simple marshmallow pops with marshmallows, candy melts, fondant beaks and Wilton Candy Eyeballs.

These little felt owls were quite time consuming to make! But turned out adorable!
Guests played “Whoos Baby?” and guesses baby’s gender
Owl favor bags filled with candy were sent home with guests.
Printables available in our shop.

Papers, parties and playful things!


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