Font Dish: The Fonts for our “All About Me’ Chalkboard Sign Print

Screen Shot 2013-06-24 at 9.23.27 AM
“All About Me” Birthday ChalkBoard Printable Sign by Itsy Belle

Screen Shot 2013-06-24 at 1.33.13 PMBecause you asked so nicely.. I’m sharing the fonts (free & paid for) I used to create our NEW Birthday “All About Me” Printable Chalkboard Sign that I shared on Facebook recently for all you DIYers! I know it may seem I’m giving away trade secrets here – many designers wont share their font, but I wouldn’t be where I am today If someone hadn’t shared with me. Plus, I know some of you hardcore DIYer will find a way and make a way no matter what secrets I try to keep! So knock yourself out, I can’t wait to see your creations!

HVD Bodedo Medium, Simon Script, Carolyna Pro Black, Peoni Pro, OutLaw, and AppleBerry.  Most of these fonts are free, but the Carolyna Pro Black & Peoni Pro are Emily Lime works of art that will set you back $69-$89 each. Worthwhile purchases for the hardcore DIYer OR you could just order one of these lovely digital Chalkboard Prints in our shop now!

Papers, parties and playful things!


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