{DIY} Garden Party Flower Lights

Happy Monday everyone!  I love Mondays at our house because it’s my husband’s day off. We all go to my daughters physical therapy appointment in the morning and spend the rest of the day running around as a family.  I am aware that for most of you Monday isn’t so looked forward too, so I thought I would help to brighten your day with this cute idea!

I found these lights featured on The Cake Blog, originally tutorial on IKEA Hackers.  I just love this idea, so cute and festive, and a perfect solution to my extra cupcake liners!  Then it got me thinking… with the right cupcake liner these would be perfect flower lights for my daughters Fairy Garden Party!
So here is my version – the flower garden party lights:
I purchased the string lights at Target, and used Wilton flower cupcake liners. Using an exacto knife I cut an X in the bottom of the liners and pushed the light bulb through! I used two liners to give the flowrs a more dimeninsional look and I just love the result! These will be perfect for the garden party this summer. They will look cute up in the daylight and when it gets dark!
Find the original IKEA Hackers tutorial HERE.
Hope you can put your own spin on this festive idea!

Papers, parties and playful things!


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11 thoughts on “{DIY} Garden Party Flower Lights”

  1. I love how gorgeous it looks! I went over to the original post at ikea hackers and people seem to be wondering if the high temperatures of the lights might be a fire hazard, I was wondering how long you had your lights on for and if you had any problems? as I would love to give this ago

    1. I as well was wondering about the high temps of the lights. I think as long as you use the newer made lights and not the ones you have had you in the attic for 15 Christmases you should be fine. I believe most of the lights made now are LCD.

  2. Awesome! My little sister is going to turn 16 next week, and I’ve been looking for ideas about outdoor lighting for her birthday. I think this idea is just perfect for her birthday. Good thing I have lots of leftover cupcake liners and LED Christmas lights. Haha! Perfect timing! I will design the cupcake liners with the flower that she loves. I’m sure she’ll like it. Thank you for sharing this idea! ->Allison Shallenberger

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