{REAL PARTIES} Welcome Elf Breakfast!

 December is nearly here and it’s time to start welcoming Elfs into homes worldwide!

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf?!
Every day in December until Christmas Eve, our family’s Elf on the Shelf watches over the children and then at night, once everyone goes to bed, the elf flies back to the North Pole to report back to Santa about what activities, good and bad, took place throughout the day. The Elf on the Shelf book explains that elves get their magic by being named. Our kids love waking up to see where the Elf has landed while they were asleep!

The kids were very excited to throw a special breakfast to welcome our Elf home and Mommy loved creating a new fun tradition…

Our Elf was quite pleased. I am thinking our first report to Santa Claus will be a positive one!

We hope this inspires you to throw your own little welcome party for your Elf!


Papers, parties and playful things!


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5 thoughts on “{REAL PARTIES} Welcome Elf Breakfast!”

  1. Do you sell the printables you’ve made for Elf on the Shelf? I’d love to purchase them, if you do. Such a cute idea!

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