{FONT ADDICT} The Scripts that have me Crushing

I am a hopeless “font geek” (as I often refer to myself). I mean… I lust after fonts the way most women covet shoes. A quick glance at my Pinterest proves it… I am a FONT ADDICT.

The first step to getting over any addiction is admitting you have a problem. Well folks, I have a problem! I’ve spent more money on fonts this year than I have clothing. I dream about all the beautiful wedding invitations and party paperie I am going to create once I acquire (insert current font obsession here) font. I annoy all my friends & husband with my font talk. I decorate my house with ampersands (please don’t ask me what’s an ampersand). I am thinking of creating a T-Shirt that simply reads “Font Geek” to warn people of my issues.
 That being said, what am I going to do about this little problem? Am I going to stop staring at, pinning, and day dreaming about fonts? NOPE. The opposite! I am going to indulge and embrace my obsession to the point of sharing it with all of you! So welcome to my first “FONT ADDICT” post. Here I will confess my current font obsessions with you. The pretty typography that graces all my current party designs, from invitations to wall art, and those unobtainable dream fonts I’m pinching my pennies to someday purchase will be divulged. Maybe if everyone becomes as obsessed with fonts as I am I will feel a little less geeky. ..Just maybe.

Today’s feature is all about Scripts. I am crazy about calligraphy lately.. I’ve spent many an hour on my new bamboo tablet trying to fake some beautiful hand drawn type designs to no avail… so it makes complete sense that I am loving any font that gives that warm hand written calligraphy feel. So beautiful for any party stationary from birthday parties, to Wedding Save-the-Dates.

Pictured above are the fonts I’ve recently acquired:

Four of the fonts are all from the same designer… (I wonder if she knows I stalk her Etsy page daily for new releases?) and are the paid for (and worth it!) fonts I’ve saved up for and bought. The other two fonts are FREE!:

Bombshell Pro  by Emily Lime Design

Carolyna Pro Black by Emily Lime Design

Parisienne, by Astigmatic One Eye
Jacques & Gilles  by Emily Lime Design

Janda Stylish by Kimberly Geswein

Peoni Pro by Emily Lime Design

Now you’re probably wondering if these are the fonts I’ve already got.. which font is it that I am dreaming of buying next?! Well, the font currently waiting patiently in my shopping cart on myfonts.com is pretty & playful Melany Lane by Yellow Design Studio. They have several such gorgeous fonts.

Isn’t she wonderful?
What’s your current font crush? I’d love to hear about it.. my husband would probably prefer if it were free, but I wont set any such qualifications.

Papers, parties and playful things!


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5 thoughts on “{FONT ADDICT} The Scripts that have me Crushing”

  1. Hello! Wondering if you could tell me the name of the font for the type that says “Confessions of a Font Addict”? Very cute…. and very nice design work!

  2. Hey fellow font addict! Thanks for sharing your choice of scripts. I’m currently planning a girly 18th birthday party and I’ve been having a hard time choosing the right font for the invites. This is just perfect. The Parisienne is too pretty for words. Personally, I’m more of a sans serif kind of girl. I’ve been overworking the Bebas Neue in my printables!

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