DIY Film Strip Pregnancy Announcement {Free printables!}

Clever Pregnancy Announcements

When we found out baby #3 was on the way, we wanted a fun and simple way to announce it that the whole family was in on. The kids immediately started battling over whether the baby would be a boy or a girl, so I created the “Team Boy” and “Team Girl” Signs for them to hold. I initially wanted a photo of all of us with the kids holding up their signs, but getting a good photo of all of us at once turned out to be nearly impossible! I was about to give up when the idea of the film strip idea popped into my head!

I had purchased myself an “I’m So Pregnant” maternity tee which was perfect for the announcement. The kids held up their signs and my husband opted to hold up pickles and ice cream in his photo as an ode to pregnancy cravings—although I did consider getting him a “Be nice to me, my wife is pregnant” tee!


With no time for a professional photo shoot, the design of this film strip pregnancy announcement allowed me to use my phone for all of the pictures, including the photo I snapped of the ultrasound and my selfie (my husband isn’t the best with a camera!). I resized and cropped the photos to fit the film strip graphic I created, and just like that, I was done!

For those of you with some photo editing skills, I created a couple of .png film strip files for you to use! You can download the our Printable Team Girl and Team Boy signs along with the PNG files on our original post here.

Free Film Strip PNG file

We shared our film strip pregnancy announcement on our social media with friends and family, and it was a big hit! We never created announcements with the first two kids, so it was fun for all of us to get in on the big news. I’d love to know—how did you tell your friends and family know that you were expecting? Leave  me a comment below!

Papers, parties and playful things!


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