DIY Pop-Up Gender Reveal Cards Free Printables


Is it just me or are mini party supplies even cuter than regular party stuff?!  When I saw these adorable mini honeycomb garlands at Target, I knew I had to buy them! After brainstorming on what I could so with them, it hit me that I could use them to create DIY Pop-Up Gender Reveal Card Free Printables! If you’re planning a Gender Reveal Party for friends and family, these cards are a fun way to announce if baby is a boy or girl!

DIY Pop-Up Gender Reveal Cards

Materials: mini honeycomb garland in pink or blue (there are 14 mini honeycombs per garland), printable gender reveal cardsheavyweight white card stock, scissors, paper cutter, glue dots (or other adhesive of your choice)

To start, download the printable and print page one (the front of the card) on heavyweight white card stock. Once the front of the card is printed, flip the paper over and print either the “It’s a Boy” or “It’s a Girl” design on the other side (this will be the inside of your folded card).

Gender Reveal Card Free Printable

Once both sides have been printed, use the cut marks to trim the cards down with your paper cutter.

Gender Reveal Card Free Printable

Use the colorblock design on the front of the card as a guide to fold it in half along the line.

Gender Reveal Card Free Printable

When you open the card, the fold should go right across the circle of the belly.

Gender Reveal Card Free Printable

Cut the folded mini honeycombs off the garland ribbon.

DIY Pop-Up Gender Reveal Cards

Place glue dots on the top and bottom half of the belly circle where they will hold the honeycomb in place. I prefer glue dots to other adhesives because they are quick and easy to just roll into place and make no mess!

DIY Pop-Up Gender Reveal Cards

Place the folded honeycomb so the straight edge lines up along the fold of the card, and secure it to half of the circle. Then unfold the honeycomb, securing the cardboard backer to the other half of the circle by pressing it onto the glue dot.

DIY Pop-Up Gender Reveal Cards

Now your honeycomb should fold down with your card, so when you open it, it pops up!

DIY Pop-Up Gender Reveal Cards

DIY Pop-Up Gender Reveal Cards

When your cards are folded, they will measure 4″ x 5″. You can use the glue dots to seal the cards shut or slip them into A2 envelopes if you prefer. Now you are ready for the big reveal! Don’t you wish all of life’s fun surprises came as a pop-up?

Papers, parties and playful things!


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